Wednesday, October 28, 2009


NORMAN SAID the question is is property power? OR ARE THE PEOPLE POWER? THAT WAS THE QUESTION BEING DECIDED AT THE 1968 CHICAGO POLICE RIOT THAT RUINED ANY CHANCE THE DEMOCRATS WOULD WIN; LBJ had made some rich segregationists very angry; THE COUNTER REVOLUTION FUNDED WITH MONEY BEAT ANY FUCKING IDEA THAT PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY SIT IN PLACES OF POWER, WHO DON'T WANT THE MONEY, THE SALARY, JUST THE JOB, i GOT ssi COMING IN FOR MY BATTERED BODY. lET ME BE A DECIDER LIKE GEORGE; ONLY I LISTENED AT LEAST 85% OF THE TIME, i RARELY GOT REALLY DRUNK BEFORE I MET MY EX. SHE WAS A REAL HEADCASE; GROWING UP hot child in the city; I LISTEN TO THAT NOW AND IT'S LIKE INAPPROPRIATE AS HELL i recall that song played nightly at the PINK PUSSYCAT HALFMILE WALK OFF nAVAL tRAINING CENTER, ORLANDO FLA. I STARTED MY 8 WEEK boot may 31, 1978; before my senior classmates got di[plomas; I was gonna flunk for the first time in my life tEMPATURES REACHED 110 DRILL WOULD STOP, WE COULD LAY ON OUR ASS AND SMOKE CIGARETTES AND SWEAT, WE'D GET TAP WATER I did little in the Navy but work off a little karma FOR BEING SUCH A POOR STUDENT WHILE getting a 248 on the GED and a 93 on the ASVAB WITHOUT ANY PREPARATION, Social promotion to each successive grade in public school. you are a personality JOSEPH HUGHES COLEMAN living the life of luxury in the Thunderstorm South with double coupons dial-up, few indulgences !!!!!!! beyond !!! cheap beer FRESH KROGER MEAT fat ass buds WOMEN!!! COPS& CAR SALESMAN NERVOUS unnecessary expense REPLACE WITH NEW EXPENSE?? Time to make free what belongs to us, man! The internet was completely funded by taxpayers every inch paid for outta the FEDERAL TILL paid up to date like the interstate highways of modern America then peddled by politicians the right to pimp the US population going to a numerous ally to the most advantageous friends FOR POWER RETENTION fuck all that! all bets are off motherfucker that autoworker who paid into a private pension plan, having to tell his kids no they can't have something Believing The Union Serving the Company as WhiteCollar dictates The US should have had ideological strikes many times since the laws giving blacks some protection from a guilty past Mainly to dismantle the Patrician Plantation Model of OWNERSHIP OF THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION tHESE COMPANIES MIGHT HAVE DEVELOPED FOR THIS DAY allowing automobilists to traverse to every numbered zeroed in on dwelling they might have made subdivisions golf cart territory! who would hazard an estimate of the number of heads rolled on the swords of white men wearing the colors of the militia or regular army??? Beheading was not uncommon when swords were more common than newfangled musket HA HA The focus of NBC NEWS and its little alphabet chicks follow BEHEADED SHOT THROUGH THE HEART GASSED BLOWN TO INVISIBLE HAMBURGER BY a very expensive bomb is GOODBYE MEAT BODY WE ALL THOUGHT 9/11 what a terrible way to go because we all saw it on that shared optic nerve we've adapted we view on a remote monitor outside our head. And some people will replay the tape, tapes, multitude of cameraland, until all must agree what happened this is undermining ourintelligence and our guts they put a ref on the field he's gotta BE A DECIDER that's what i saw I CALLED IT THAT WAY don't take the dignity of a human being away from zebras and give it to purveyors instead of the participants How did crooked ref OPERATE aNd AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF NBA GAMES 2 YEARS AGO Certain of a MEMORIZATION OF EACH 2 DIMENSIONAL FRAME OF STATIONARY VIDEO INPUT, NOT A REPRESENTATION OF WHAT HE PERCIEVED IN THREE DIMENSION WHILE IN MOTION, ON THE RODS AND CONES INSIDE HIS EYEBALLS PHENOMENON AND PHENOMENA!!! OR A CAMERA BEING AIMED BY ANOTHER HUMAN BEING TO WEAK TO SUIT UP! they go broke too IWAS GETTING HIGH LISTENING TO DYLAN IN THE ROOM, dylan muzak is how i REMEMBER THOSE HIGH SCHOOL DAYS. but we had fun ; THAT WAS WHEN ALMOST ALL COPS WERE MEN in confrontational assignments. LIKE PRISON GUARDS BEFORE THE COURTS FORCED STATES TO MAKE PRISON SAFE ENOUGH FOR any 'LEGALLY QUALIFIED FEMALE ALL AT PUBLIC EXPENSE, COURT ORDERS BEING ISSUED WOULD HAVE BLED ANY GROUP ENTITY "free" people perpetuated to FREE A SPOUSE TO BE ALMOST 100% PERCENT PARENT except when sweet husband lets her take off and go hogwild! deciding after a while i didn't want to hear lies BUT I DIDN"T WANT THE DETAILS EITHER WHICH SHE FLAUNTED either trying to get a rise out of me SHE KNEW HOW TO GET ME MAD AS HELL AND EXPLOITED IT like a bullfighter; i never touched her like i did the last real fistfight i started in sixth grade THERE WAS THIS KID TOWDY MY-ow-SKI, NO SPELLCHECK he was a chaldean kid who had a flattop haircut in JUNE 1972, KIDS HAD HAIR DOWN TO THEIR ASSES WHERE WE LIVED all white and jewish Southfield, NORTH OF BADDASS EIGHT MILE, SHS 2 MILES DUE NORTH OF SWANK HIGHRISE APT. BLDG. 12 storeys as the english, fuck 'em, U.K. Citizens own more of the United States than any foriegn group, property as-it-is in the States which the people, kids were able to win the police over to their side NEVER HASSLING THEM AT SCHOOL my dad fed them daily across 10 Mile; i knew a lot of cop faces; BUT NEVER ACKNOWLEDGED ONE save that "Big jim " chap his DAD'S age from North CAROLINA WHO (WAS IF NOT SHY, WAS taci turn, AMONG OURSELVES 'i think he told DAD he had kids and WHO WATCH THE BACKS OF THIS SET OF COLEMAN'S, way before MADD. Since they made prisons easy enough for a little blonde titty-dancer IN JACKSON PRISON level one; among a majority certain to parole AND LIFERS AND LIS MEN AMONG THE MOST, RATIONAL, EDUCATED, COWARDLY; POISED, it was a place you wanted your reputation to remain unsulleyed by snitching or homosexualty, and aced that, it is a myth that there is widepread OPEN HOMOSEXUALITY IN PRISONS except on the downlow EXCEPT FOR THE QUEENS SOME WHO LOVED IT THERE IN THE 1960'S , WHEN michigan was still an emerging GIANT WO MANIFESTED ITSELF AS A MAN born john engler, FUTURE GOVERNOR, who gluttonously fat, DENIED THE POOREST AND WEAKEST who married ol' girl in his 40's WHEN HE WAS ALREADY MORBIDLY OBESE, WHOSE STATELY BRIDE WAS REPORTED be consulting fertility specialists WHOSE ISOCILES TRIANGLE HEADED HUSBAND, SCORED A HAT-TRICK; TRIPLETS; fat ass engler getting himself off i a petrie dish of his wifes HARVESTED EGGS EXACTLY LIKE SOME BIBLICAL POTENTATE, he never worked outside of dad's farm, school, and government, because the family had the money to make him prominent and he was TALKING HEAD OF THE BANKERS AND EXECUTIVES THAT corrupt DON'T GET HIGH AND DANCE BUT HAVE CREATED CERTAINLY THE 'CENTRAL GOVERNMENT' he vocally opposed, A GEORGE WALLACE FOE ; TO PIPE that to a city THAT HAS CODDLED HIM since he wrote a book at 24 AND IT SOLD! TO LIBRARIES YO' DADDY'S FRIENDS KNOW!! GOOD LUCK!!) redfaced jIM amused a BANK TELLER WITH A CHECK FROM bank of the french broad. french broad RIVER RUNS between NC, TN, SC and GA, and was probably HAD A NAME Thats French For Broad; after being overtaken by the wild, stoic, toiling, ScosIRISH THATBIG REDNECK YOU'D SEEN EVERY fuckin time you was there with the place open...since 1966 WHEN YA TURNED SIX rEMEMBER 'uncle' GEORGE RIGHT DOWN THE STREET, his wife 'aunt' nelly:YEARS BEFORE HORROR FILM made it creepy to say; ABOUT CHOSEN FAMILY FRIENDS WHO YOUR PARENTS WOULD bestow the titles on like royalty! MAN!