We are reliving a horror show that was given us thirty years ago in VietNam, a military adventure which cost real good people life and limb for little lasting benefit to our national security and its prestige. I see the awful scenes of destruction and I want to send little Bush over there with a rifle. There is little benefit for us by having this exercise; although it benefits Israel greatly to have our military footprint and hardware stationed permanently where the natives have religious hatred that is positively mid-eval.
We have found that the CIA, created at the end of the last "World War" has grown a life of its own, its budget is never publicly stated, all its funds are hid in the budgets of other administrative agencies; the CIA has weilded disproportionate power at intervals which have called into question the moral legitimacy of American policy around the world. Now Iraq. There is little question that both Saddam and UBL were on the CIA payroll. This disgusts most church-going types; the murder done in our names has been on a big scale.
There is now more information being developed that the CIA has owned and operated proprietary businesses and invested monies in the securities market to increase its power. The CIA must be checked at some point and our policy given back to the publicly elected officials.