Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Lay of the Land intro2
By Joe Coleman - May 17th, 2007 at 8:00 pm EDT |
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· “African-centered thought, unlike Eurocentrism, does not assume superiority and look at everyone else as being inferior.”
· Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.
· Link
· I support Sen. Obama very strongly. I post a blog on his website at Link
· One of the most dismal events in the last generation, was the Supreme court of the US granting certiorari in Cargill v Monfort of Colorado, immediately after the pious “so-called” abortion hating Mr. Reagan had raised Renquist to Chief Justice and sat J Scalia next to him on September 26, 1986, just in time for arguments in this obscure but nonetheless earthshaking case October 6, 1986; and render its mystifying and vexing decision December 9, 1986, in time for Christmas. Read this bewildering miscarriage of justice in its entirety at the site controlled by gangster lawyers who fake out the public: I wish I was half my age I would engage any of them in tackle football on any of the area's golf courses as we used to-Ibet none of them ever had a bloody nose before.
Here's the case!
U.S. Supreme Court
479 U.S. 104
1. A private plaintiff seeking injunctive relief under 16 must show a threat of injury "of the type the antitrust laws were designed to prevent and that flows from that which makes defendants' acts unlawful." Brunswick Corp. v. Pueblo Bowl-O-Mat, Inc., 429 U.S. 477, 489 . Pp. 109-113.
2. The proposed merger does not constitute a threat of antitrust injury. A showing, as in this case, of loss or damage due merely to increased competition does not constitute such injury. And while predatory pricing is capable of inflicting antitrust injury, here respondent neither raised nor proved any claim of predatory pricing before the District Court, and thus the Court of Appeals erred in interpreting respondent's allegations as equivalent to allegations of injury from predatory conduct. Pp. 113-119.
3. This Court, however, will not adopt in effect a per se rule denying competitors standing to challenge acquisitions on the basis of [479 U.S. 104, 105] predatory-pricing theories. Nothing in the Clayton Act's language or legislative history suggests that Congress intended this Court to ignore injuries caused by such anticompetitive practices as predatory pricing. Pp. 120-122.
761 F.2d 570, reversed and remanded.
BRENNAN, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which REHNQUIST, C. J., and MARSHALL, POWELL, O'CONNOR, and SCALIA, JJ., joined. STEVENS, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which WHITE, J., joined, post, p. 122. BLACKMUN, J., took no part in the consideration or decision of the case.
· Since the end of the gilded age, and the changes brought by the progressive movement around 1900, especially passage of ANTITRUST LAW, American workers and businessmen were protected from forced mergers, rapacious competition, and “price-squeeze” practices making it impossible to survive economically. The Court proceeded to stand antitrust law on its head, and destroy its utility, unless the Congress restores it with a law that defies such perverse confusion.
· It was held by that besotted assembly that antitrust law was written to “protect competition not competitors,” so the dam burst and we know how many concerns were swallowed up like fish in the sea. Despite improved productivity, American labor has never recovered from the Reagan Administration, a pandering Congress that sent him the deficits HE WANTED FOR HIS BUDDIES IN THE BOND MARKET, and the appointment to the High Court, of a group of fops that either never worked in their life or performed as few commercial functions required for social acceptability. Their problems were not those of the wage earner and vice versa.
· I heard something chilling on TV last night, Chris Matthews was discussing how some call this president a fascist “like Hitler.” Matthews informed us that Mussulini, the original Fascist and coiner of the term , defined those politics as the joining of “Corporate and Government power,” to control the masses. That is what we have today, but business is very crooked, so the ones who make decisions, and control capital are making it harder to earn a living than it was forty years ago.
· That this case received such scant scrutiny by the corporate owned media belies the fact the executives of RCA (NBC), Capital Cities (ABC), and the lone self-owned network CBS Inc. were made ecstatic by such legal alchemy, for dollar signs appeared before their eyes that crossed the bounds of reality, they were chasing leprecauns now, fuck the news!
· ABC was sold to Disney, CBS to Westinghouse Electric Corporation whotook on the name CBS henceforth as in marriage and to keep it on the down low, and GE just had to have NBC at any price. Holy Mussolini! The Corporations control the dissemination of information, so if they lock arms with politicians willing to run interference for them so their greed is kept abundantly sated, with rip-off tax cuts, military contracts, foreign reconstruction, a plethora of bonds issued on waves of deficit budgets and spending; those Corporation types will loyally supply whatever funds are needed to keep friendly politicians in office, through whatever conduit the politician legislates is kosher this election cyclelegal elected. And the wheel goes round and round.
· One of the saddest parts of this whole mess, is TV reporters, who the working class of modest or adequate education rely on, have continued to compare deficit spending by the government with household debt. It never crosses their lips that deficits are funded through the issuance of bonds; which the rich snap up like a hungry pit bull, because they are tax deductible; so, with the tax cuts Reagan, Bush&Bush gave to the rich anyway, their tax burden is further reduced by bonds; which funds the government; but they get it all back with a sweetener when the bonds mature from the Treasury at the expense of revenue paid in taxes. It’s really a nasty crooked deal.
· I’m one of these white people who is a descendant of settlers who arrived here so long ago we don’t know where they came from exactly. We call ourselves “Scotch-Irish,” (also known as ‘Borderers,’ from what I’ve read, they were no aristocrats, see scholarly treatment at Link. We don’t know anything about what ship they took unlike the Mayflower folks, and there is nobody in the old country to answer the phone.
· I grew up in a believing family, although we attended services rarely. My late Mother, Faye, was really pro civil rights. She was born in 1930 and lived near Tuscaloosa AL for her first eight years before moving to Detroit MI. See saw some of what the south was about, and she despised the racial shit. She told me she had a black playmate who wasn’t allowed at table with them when they at at a Dr.’s house who often watched my Ma, because her Dad died when she was 13 months old. She was a tender hearted person.
· I lived in a racially mixed area of Detroit (not the suburbs) for many years, went to school, worked, did time, served in the Army, and got drunk with black guys, and I never had any real personal issues come up. The social awkwardness that still exists is sometimes painful because the residue of our guilty history remains. I have heard the word European thrown around. I just tried to show I was taught, and believe by my actions that skin color doesn’t enhance and cannot hide the true qualities of any human.
· I didn’t finish any of the three semesters of college I enrolled in; but I don’t consider myself naïve’. Claims of a color-blind society are pie in the sky. Detroit is the most segregated city and metro area in the US. The segregation and discrimination that continues, is an economic and psychic drain and insult on a great people.
· It is a good thing to have this man run for president.
· I supported Jesse Jackson in ’84, and was mesmerized by his speaking ability, I felt the Holy Ghost when he spoke at the convention in San Francisco (I downloaded it free at Link and still listen to it). But facts are facts, and not one preacher has been elected president.
· I currently stay with my Father, Tom, in TN. I receive disability for stenosis of the spine, arthristis, nerve damage, PTSD, and depression. I find TN to be how I always found it, somewhat backward, The election of Chatanooga political hack Mike Corker over the brilliant and impressive Harold Ford Jr. was evidence of the racial prejudice in TN. The election of Corker was an outright sham, he is an imposter in the Senate as far as I’m concerned..
· Fundamentalist clergy and doctrine control a huge number of votes here. Fundamentalist Christianity is unquestioned truth to many in the south. Fundamentalist belief is normally taught from childhood, and accepted without examining its meaning, which I finally think I know. It isn’t holding any particular correct orthodoxy among the many to choose from. It is a relationship to a Holy Book that answers all the big questions and provides all the information humans ought seek from diety, some really worship the Bible, and shun seeking the living God outside its pages.
· While Americans virtually unanimously condemn Fundamentalist Muslims of any stripe for the violence they commit, American violence is just as real and far deadlier. We routinely wage these campaigns far away. Our civilians are distressed by the price of gas, as Iraqis flee for their lives, from the commited jihadists attacking US personnel, from US retaliation to guerilla tactics, from the various religious sects and ethnic groups settling old scores, and the spillover violence by those venting generalized hatred or driven mad by the constant tension and danger. While the murder and lesser violence driven by religious, political, ethnic and territorial hatred has persisted at close quarters for over four years, especially in Baghdad, where war has almost certainly imtimately touched everyone still alive with wounds, loved ones killed, and destroyed property, the US civilian population watches the constant haggling of politicians who with few exceptions never heard a bullet whizz by freezing there heart with fear. While in the comfort of our homes and SUV’s; our soldiers act as our proxies doing violence in our names. Because our government controls the kind of wealth and riches that seems unlimited, even the relatively modest sized military detachment deployed has the firepower to kill and destroy, that no similar number of soldiers has matched in history. So it appears that, if the American Army kills ten or fifteen Arabs to each dead GI, the brains in Washington and many churches deem such a ratio, “acceptable losses.” As the President of the United States, a devout Methodist, has repeatedly called all our adversaries “evil,” it stands to reason some US Christians may accept this judgement from their President, a man who has publicly announced he maintains a disciplined schedule of prayer and church attendence. The same way Muslims accept an order to kill, a fatwah, from an Ayotollah, President Bush acts commited to the task of keeping a righteous sense of wrath ginned up in those who will listen. However vigorously President Bush disputes the “Crusader” appellation given our troops by the Muslim hordes who believe it to the bone; if he is a rational man, he cannot deny the empirical reality of our presence in the dessert, as an almost exclusively non-Muslim or Christian foreign army, friends and comrades to the death with the British, the very colonial power that exploited their land for years. The US Army and Marine Corps are engaged in a mission to prescribe to the followers of Islam the future of their nation on our terms; refusing to leave until they mind what we tell them to do. It is a mission impossible. Perhaps only a man who avoided war on his father’s money, name, and war record, whose compulsory reserve duty encroached on the lifestyle of the rich young party boy and was as taxing and hazardous as a weekly round of golf; he alone could give the green light to our uniformed services, composed of the youth of a nation whose economic prospects for High School graduates, without the means to go to college; was crippled if not destroyed by the deficits of President Reagan, the man he worshipped, and President George HW Bush, Dad, who continued such massive deficit government spending, he was limited to the rarity of one term in office. Most one term presidents have left office feet first.
· Many observers, like Sen. Obama foresaw the removal of Saddam Hussein as a catalyst for chaos. It is fairly universally accepted Hussein was a monster, who followed the examples set by Hitler and Stalin, torturing, killing rivals with slow death, the gas attack inflicted on a village of minority Kurdish people, televised globally, will remain a memory for all who viewed it. However brutal he was, the present orgy of murder was unheard of while he held power. In layman’s terms, he kept a lid on the situation. As an American father of a daughter of military age, just like the president’s twins (all three remain civilians); if Iraq’s Arab neighbors were not compelled to assist their Muslim brothers and sisters out of tyranny, how in the name of Christmas is it our place?
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wow | Report to Admin
By vwcat May 17th 2007 at 8:45 pm EDT
simply wow. You just wrote a fantastic blog and so filled with food for thought and deep insight. Excellent. I really liked the quote of Rev. Wright. The little I know of him he seems a fascinating man with a fascinating mind. I think Sen. Obama is lucky to have supporters like you who can write and make powerful posts.
Lay of the Land intro

I BELIEVE Michigan has reached the point where those never getting out deserve their own motherfucking joint. Put all the fucking hopeless in together and guard ‘em with machine guns. I’m not sure what Michigan voters want; besides union jobs and 1st class education. The neocon destruction done away with; and fucking jobs and factories!!!