Friday, March 05, 2010

Sloozie gets a good night's sleep

Just a note to be watching for messages from Anderson's direction. I haven't heard from that fucking guy in 30 years; so I sent him a message how did I know everything i say to him doesn't go into becky's ear? i believe i said "the Oglesby girls."

Last time i saw him he was putting your mom and me out of his house on Derby St. A gloomy night. Did you hear how Oakland Co. Friend of the Court sent me your SSN's and addresses? I knew I had told you about the SSN's years ago; how they had them blacked out with magic marker so i held it up to a bulb and you could read right through it.  Hi-tech, ID theft and the internet

then i made a crack about the FOC being y'alls protectors then i come home and your phone# out i think i overdid it leaks like seive

foc judges they are nice but you get one of them officeshrews on the phone and your day is shot because they piss you off so, the first time i called back in 1983; this woman got on the phone and told me i should be digging ditches to put food in your belly, and i'm like i'm all for it, that threw her, she was probably used to hang ups with that line But i didn't play into her hands, they have lied to me, stole from me, my stimulus check went to your mom, judge told me that the court paper had Prince St. in Pontiac for Mom's, they had provided a ride to Pontiac and let me walk out the front door of the courthouse, my levis collapsing without lost belt cops—plus Hendrix and Doors cds; expensive girl's bike outside Toy R Us; across the street on the lawn at night listening to my walkman and didn't see them, my reward?

"Yeah you go home thief! No jail, We take care of evidence."

whatever you hear from Aunt Becky about me rently originates with Mark Anderson who proved he is still a rat. I knew he couldn't resist the SSN angle if he gossips with Becky, when since he'd already told me about Lindsay's wedding, and meeting you there, was a helluva lot more recent; the last i seen of any of them was when I went out to Southfield 1990 and gave Tom Anderson the $20.00 I borrowed from his Dad (did the old man see it at all?) Professor of Pharmacology next to Detroit Receiving; Gordon Scott Building; I got stranded and remembered he worked there went to his lab in the 8th grade and I was ready to ask. He had model parents-Leave it to Beaver parents, they may be photogenic too! When I really have to remember a fact thinking on my feet, i surprise myself how good i remember; like this dudes got shipped off to nursing home while i was out of town and i left my bicycle at his house and have spent three days so far tracking it. if 'george' doesn't call tomorrow i'm going over there and ask him 'where it is, man?' Over and over til he answers displaying snubnose .38 Smith and Wesson revolver, The Dragnet Detective gun; keep the brass off the deck

I wanted a loyalty test

Now your phone # different so I'm letting you know-

I'm me you think I'm still out to get someone for "doublecrossing" me; no just don't lie to me me; it always cracks me up, Lisa, Tommy's babies' Mama and Sheryl wanted their address unknown to the ex without ever meeting

And I don't know what's proper etiquette—apprpriate that's so value slanted implying the existence of a superior method;
you can go buy a book on ettiquette and they'll teach you how to eat with your knife the way you do with cornbread, so as to not be embarrassed abroad; What's appropriate takes a lifetime of study

When I heard that black lady Say your mom's name,  "Sheryl!" and "Jack—Town" in the same breath, it finally registered what a typical and dangerous set-up i was in, cops would close their notebooks after a blink and nosh until quitting time.

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