BRIGHTMOOR JOURNAL: I'm Going to Get Cereal-Click Here
Go to where clicking on the title leads; it is food
for thought.
I have been lackadaisical about the blog lately; My main thought is railing against the unnecessary war. Our president is a stubborn man. 22,000 Purple Hearts have been awarded to our forces since the invasion commenced four years ago.
The spreading of liberty and democracy has hit many bumps in the road.
When you consider that the Iraqi deathtoll stands at more than ten times U.S. dead, it is ponderous to think anyone who spent even a day at Yale, just hanging around, drinking and snorting coke would believe that a spirit of cooperation will ever bloom in this context. The president is a rich boy, who was elected because he was a rich boy, and whatever the animus he felt, and neocons felt, that led to the invasion and occupation of Babylon is now at a stage of irrational denial of reality; we must have a recovering alcoholic president who isn't working his program, his 12 steps.
The fiasco of the father/son team is without many parallels; only the sinking of the Maine comes to my mind as similar.
Terrorism IS a law enforcement issue. The War on Terror is an oxymoron.
This blog supports the nomination and election of Barack Obama. His antiwar stance is palpably genuine; and HE MADE GOOD GRADES IN SCHOOL, that alone places him far above W. His candidacy is a testing of the American soul. His race is the big deal to most the talking heads. He is the most attractive and charismatic candidate for president since Robert F. Kennedy. .He was the first black individual to be named the head of the Harvard Law Review. The ethnic origin of our people, our leaders, the people you can trust is a rainbow. Will the voters reward themselves with someone that could be a great and historic figure, or will the process with its money (read Hillary) disallow his advancement because of personal ambition. The rules of the game have become so polluted with money and primaries have taken the place of party fidelity; anything will be said to win, and commercials will dominate the choices made in those primaries, which has become game-like; not unlike a regular season in a spectator sport. It is unfortunate that the major party conventions have become a second rate TV variety show. Winning these primaries has turned into a way of "earning" a nomination.
It is grossly inappropriate to believe anyone could earn the right to be president. The best we could do is allow the conventions to be an exercise in collectively determining who among the Party is READY to be president.
The milestone of this development is the 1980 Democratic Convention, where Jimmy Carter set about to bind the delegates to the primary results, and the delegates were not ALLOWED to vote their conscience, and Ted Kennedy was denied a term as president; because everyone knows he ROCKED that convention, and because Carter put personal ambition before party; we had eight years of Reagan, and who knows what might be the shape of the national condition if the deficit way was not taken.
Let us be about reworking our republic into what will work; on immigration, the budget and MOST OF ALL THE WAR.
AMERICANS HAVE GOOD REASON TO BE PROUD OF OUR NATION BECAUSE OF THE ENDURANCE OF ITS CONSTITUTION. But believe this: connivance of our budgets will come to an end, will it be because we choose to do what's right? And let the chips fall where they may? Or will economic reality come on the heels of a catastrophic monetary collapse? There are people good enough to be president; the sad truth is the current process may box them all out.
for thought.
I have been lackadaisical about the blog lately; My main thought is railing against the unnecessary war. Our president is a stubborn man. 22,000 Purple Hearts have been awarded to our forces since the invasion commenced four years ago.
The spreading of liberty and democracy has hit many bumps in the road.
When you consider that the Iraqi deathtoll stands at more than ten times U.S. dead, it is ponderous to think anyone who spent even a day at Yale, just hanging around, drinking and snorting coke would believe that a spirit of cooperation will ever bloom in this context. The president is a rich boy, who was elected because he was a rich boy, and whatever the animus he felt, and neocons felt, that led to the invasion and occupation of Babylon is now at a stage of irrational denial of reality; we must have a recovering alcoholic president who isn't working his program, his 12 steps.
The fiasco of the father/son team is without many parallels; only the sinking of the Maine comes to my mind as similar.
Terrorism IS a law enforcement issue. The War on Terror is an oxymoron.
This blog supports the nomination and election of Barack Obama. His antiwar stance is palpably genuine; and HE MADE GOOD GRADES IN SCHOOL, that alone places him far above W. His candidacy is a testing of the American soul. His race is the big deal to most the talking heads. He is the most attractive and charismatic candidate for president since Robert F. Kennedy. .He was the first black individual to be named the head of the Harvard Law Review. The ethnic origin of our people, our leaders, the people you can trust is a rainbow. Will the voters reward themselves with someone that could be a great and historic figure, or will the process with its money (read Hillary) disallow his advancement because of personal ambition. The rules of the game have become so polluted with money and primaries have taken the place of party fidelity; anything will be said to win, and commercials will dominate the choices made in those primaries, which has become game-like; not unlike a regular season in a spectator sport. It is unfortunate that the major party conventions have become a second rate TV variety show. Winning these primaries has turned into a way of "earning" a nomination.
It is grossly inappropriate to believe anyone could earn the right to be president. The best we could do is allow the conventions to be an exercise in collectively determining who among the Party is READY to be president.
The milestone of this development is the 1980 Democratic Convention, where Jimmy Carter set about to bind the delegates to the primary results, and the delegates were not ALLOWED to vote their conscience, and Ted Kennedy was denied a term as president; because everyone knows he ROCKED that convention, and because Carter put personal ambition before party; we had eight years of Reagan, and who knows what might be the shape of the national condition if the deficit way was not taken.
Let us be about reworking our republic into what will work; on immigration, the budget and MOST OF ALL THE WAR.
AMERICANS HAVE GOOD REASON TO BE PROUD OF OUR NATION BECAUSE OF THE ENDURANCE OF ITS CONSTITUTION. But believe this: connivance of our budgets will come to an end, will it be because we choose to do what's right? And let the chips fall where they may? Or will economic reality come on the heels of a catastrophic monetary collapse? There are people good enough to be president; the sad truth is the current process may box them all out.
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