Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sloozie get real

Tamara was cleaning the house while Sloozy slept. Tamara sat to drink her 7th cup of coffee—Seattle's Best, made in a french press with real half&half and Domino's pure CANE sugar—not beet sugar (the Castro grudge). As much as Tammy (what Joebear called her) was not a commie, she loved to tell tidbits she knew from the campus days when Marxism was serious business—in classrooms and family altercations. She could depend on joebear to keep his mouth shut until anyone asked his opinion,,,then he would not protect her dialectic, but remind the group Stalin assassinated Troysky in Mexico on his orders; Trotsky, the last true revolutionary thinked; Then Joe would remind us that revolution is about taking shit away from people, and none of us had the balls.

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